Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Laurie, my wife, is pregnant, so last Thursday I attended an appointment Laurie had with her obstetrician. Using a special audio device, the doctor listened for the baby's heartbeat.

As parents of nine children, we are not new to this. Yet, each time, it is new. It is wonderful. It is awe-inspiring.

And it is personal. I feel like we are meeting our new baby for the first time. Which, in a way, we are.

After some moments of searching, yes, there it is. A tiny heartbeat. What better way for this precious child to say to us, "Hi, Mama! Hi, Papa! Here I am!" ?

So here is this tiny delicate life, this child, "fearfully and wonderfully made" by the hand of Almighty God Himself. Thanks and praise be unto Him!

"Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the
face of the earth. " Psalm 104:30